Deuteronomy 4:23-32 Take heed to yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven imageā¦ The history of the Jews is an unanswerable argument in favor of the truth of prophecy and the reality of Divine revelation. The singularity of that history is such as can only be fully accounted for on the idea of a supernatural Providence interesting itself in their fortunes; but the strangest fact is in that, their own sacred books, this wonderful history is predicted with minute precision. The Book of Deuteronomy furnishes a series of these predictions, the extraordinary character of which is not removed by any date to which the book may be assigned. We may read this passage first as a prophecy, then as a warning. I. A PROPHECY. It does not, as several later passages do, put the backsliding of the Jews hypothetically, but states the fact plainly that they will backslide - takes it for granted (ver. 25). There is a prediction: 1. Of national apostasy. The whole history of Israel, beginning with the time of the judges (Judges 2:19), is a commentary on this statement. 2. Of national rejection (vers. 26-29). How remarkably has this testimony been fulfilled in the rooting out of both Judah and Israel from their own land; in their scattering throughout the nations, in every region and country under heaven; in their preservation amidst all vicissitudes as a distinct people; in the conformity to alien worships, customs, and beliefs, to which they have so often been compelled; in the miseries and indignities which they have endured! Surely we are entitled to ask from the unbeliever that he should give us, when rejecting revelation, some satisfactory explanation of these coincidences. 3. Of national repentance (vers. 29-32; cf. Deuteronomy 30.). Though yet unfulfilled, there can be little doubt in the minds of any who study past fulfillments, that this prophecy of the repentance of Israel will in God's good time receive its accomplishment also (Zechariah 12:10; Romans 11:26). II. A WARNING. We learn the truths: 1. That backsliding is possible from a state of high attainment. 2. That backsliding is commonly of gradual development (ver. 25). 3. That backsliding may assume very aggravated forms. 4. That backsliding exposes to severe punishment from God. But, finally, and for our encouragement: 5. That backsliding, if repented of, will be graciously forgiven. - J.O. Parallel Verses KJV: Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee. |