Leviticus 9:1-24 And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel;… The priests enter upon their office, offer sacrifices for themselves and the people, and receive tokens of Jehovah's presence and blessing. "And Aaron lifted up his hand towards the people," etc. (verses 22-24). The main facts described are: 1. The joint blessing of the mediator of the Law and the high priest on the people, the solemn conclusion of the consecration and inauguration. 2. The glory of the Lord appearing unto all the people. 3. The fire from before the Lord consuming the burnt offering and the fat. 4. The whole people beholding the sign, accepting it as from God, and. rejoicing in it with adoring homage. I. MAN BLESSED IN GOD. 1. Religion as revealed and set forth in the mediation of law and sacrifice, the only true element of fellowship between the creature and Creator. Natural religion a spurious substitute and insufficient. Moses and Aaron both typical of him in whom God invites us to receive the fullness of grace. 2. The blessings pronounced and published. In the promises of Scripture, in the history of redemption, in the individual experience of believers. Godliness hath the promise of both worlds in the best sense. Old and new covenants really one. II. DIVINE GLORY MANIFESTED in response to man's faithfulness. 1. Look for it, especially in connection with the sanctuary. After crest confession and universal seeking of God's favour. An outpoured grace in revived religion, in manifest success in spiritual service, in the fellowship of priests and people with one another, in the providential signs of Divine interposition for the Church's extension. 2. Unto all the people. The blessing of religion is for the multitude, for the nation, for the world. Yet those who would see the glory must come around the center of its manifestation in the holy place. We can see the glory of the Lord in creation, in providence, in the written Word, only as we are taught by the Spirit and recognize the true order of the Divine kingdom, which places the throne of righteousness, the mercy-seat, in the midst, and makes the glory to radiate from that, III. RELIGIOUS JOY AND PRAISE stirred up by signs of grace. 1. Heartfelt and outspoken. 2. Uniting all in common exaltation. 3. Deeply humble and adoring. 4. Not dependent on external miracle, but finding occasion in every proof of fire from heaven, in the Church and in the world. - R. Parallel Verses KJV: And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel;WEB: It happened on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel; |