1 Chronicles 14:15 And it shall be, when you shall hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then you shall go out to battleā¦ In his frequent contests with the Philistines. David was assured of the constant support and guidance of the God of hosts. The king sought the honour of his God, and God prospered the exploits of his servant. On the occasion referred to in this passage, Divine wisdom is said to have directed the strategy of the army of Israel, to have indicated the moment of assault, and to have assured the warriors of certain victory. The signal was, strange to say, "a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees." This incident has usually been regarded as indicative of the tokens of the Divine presence accorded to such as are engaged in the spiritual service of their God. We are reminded of ? I. THE POWERLESSNESS AND INSUFFICIENCY OF MEN FOR THE SPIRITUAL CONFLICT. Christians have a warfare to wage against foes many and mighty, and for this warfare their native resources are inadequate, scanty, and feeble. If we know ourselves we must needs look above, to the Strong for strength, to the Wise for wisdom. II. THE GRACIOUS TOKENS OF A DIVINE PRESENCE AND CO-OPERATION. The "sound of going" told David that God was near - was on his side. God's people are never left without indications of the Divine presence, and these assure them that they are not alone, that the "Lord of hosts is with them." Sometimes by events in his providence, sometimes by lessons from his Word, sometimes by the suggestions of his Spirit, he gives his people to understand, in the hour of their need and helplessness, that he is on their side. III. THE DIVINE SIGNAL FOR HIS PEOPLE'S ACTION. As we have not only to know but also to do God's will, we need not only revelation of truth but summons to practical service. God gives his soldiers the watchword, the signal to advance. Then is the moment to "go forward," to repel and to defeat the foe. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" It is well that we should not run before the word is given; yet it will not do to tarry when he directs us to advance. IV. THE OMEN AND PRESAGE OF TRUE VICTORY. When the sound of going was beard in the tree-tops, it was as the movement of angels' wings; the mighty rushing was as the tramp of the host of God, the earnest of victory to David's arms. If the Lord our God goes forth with us to the spiritual war, we shall surely overcome. Ours shall be the victory of faith, even that which overcometh the world. - T. Parallel Verses KJV: And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines. |