At morning watch, however, the LORD looked down on the army of the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and cloud, and He threw their camp into confusion. Sermons
I. THE INFATUATION OF THE PURSUERS (ver. 23). We do not speak of the lessons they had already received as to the folly of contending with Jehovah. The plagues were past. The memory of them had been cast behind their backs. What we do wonder at is, that when the Egyptians reached the shore, and saw there what they did see, they were not deterred from proceeding further. What did they see? 1. They saw the sea divided. They could hardly mistake this for a merely natural phenomenon. The place where the Israelites crossed may have been, under special conditions, and to a limited extent, fordable. But it is safe to say that the division now effected was one the like of which had never been heard of before, and such as, occurring at this particular juncture, ought to have convinced the Egyptians that it was a result of God's special Providence, and intended for the protection of the Israelites. Special interpositions, on behalf of the Church, ought to arrest the attention of her enemies. 2. They saw the ]PGBR> cloud that went with Israel move to the rear, obviously with the design of intercepting their pursuit (vers. 19, 20). This, with the ominous darkness which enveloped them, was a second circumstance which ought to have warned them that Jehovah was fighting for his people. 3. There was the danger, which could not but present itself to them, of being overwhelmed by the returning sea. In whatever way the division of the waters was conceived Of, whether as a natural phenomenon, or as a fact of supernatural origin, it was plainly a perilous experiment to attempt the pursuit. Viewing it as the result of an ebb-tide, aided by a strong east wind, there was the risk of being caught by the returning tide; or if the wind abated, or changed its direction, of being immediately submerged. In the other case there was the danger, almost the certainty, of the supernatural power which restrained the waters permitting them to flow back on the pursuers. What infatuation, then, possessed the Egyptians, prompting them to enter the sea? (1) A false sense of honour. Having engaged in the pursuit, it would be deemed a point of honour not to desist from it, so long as the faintest chance of success remained. They had gone too far to retreat now at the water's edge. (2) Rage. Fury and disappointment would possess them, as, in the very hour of their fancied triumph, they saw their prey thus elude them. Was Pharaoh and his mighty host to be thus mocked and set at nought - thus suddenly reined up and baffled? What would Egypt think of her warriors, if, setting out on such an expedition, they returned humiliated and empty-handed? At all hazards Israel must be pursued. (3) There was the chance of getting through. The distance was short; the way lay open; if Israel had got across, so might the Egyptians. On this chance, in the spirit of the gambler, they would stake everything. What havoc have these same motives - a false sense of honour (cf. Matthew 14:9), a spirit of uncalculating rage, the headstrong gambling disposition, - played in the history of the world! Together, or apart, they account for much of its infatuation. See specially in this conduct of Pharaoh, a picture of the infatuation to which the enemies of Christ's Church have so frequently been given over, and which will linger among them till the end. Compare e.g. the Apocalyptic gathering of the antichristian powers, to do battle with the Lamb (Revelation 16:14-17; Revelation 19:11-21). II. THE RECEPTION WHICH THEY RECEIVED FROM GOD. 1. In "the morning watch," and when the Egyptians were in "the midst of the sea," God looked forth upon them from the pillar of cloud (ver. 23). The expression is a pregnant one. The look was a "fire-look" - some fire-appearance of a startling kind which issued from the cloud, and shed terror over the pursuers. It was accompanied with thunderings and lightnings (Psalm 77:18, 19). God's looks are potent. When God "looked" on Israel (Exodus 2:25), it meant that he was about to bring salvation to them. When he "locked" on the Egyptians, it was the prelude to their destruction. Through that pillar glares forth an eye which sends a separate dismay into each Egyptian heast and all is felt to be lost. We find two imitations of this in modern poetry - one by Coleridge, in his 'Ode on the Departing Year,' where he prays God to - "Open his eye of fire from some uncertain cloud," and another (by Southey) in the 'Curse of Kehama,' where, after the 'Man Almighty,' holding his Amreeta Cup, had exclaimed - "Now, Seeva, look to thine abode!" it is added, when the cup is drunk - "Then Seeva open'd on the accursed one 2. God troubled their hosts (vers. 24, 25). There is meant by this some supernatural exertion of power. It was not due to natural causes alone that the chariot wheels were "taken off," and that they drave heavily. It was God who, by his heavy hand upon them, was thus obstructing their progress. The invisible powers were fighting against the Egyptians, as "the stars in their courses fought against Sisera" (Judges 5:20). Those are sure to drive heavily, who drive in the face of God's inhibition, and under his ban. 3. God brought the sea back upon them (ver. 26). Swiftly, fatally, at the stretching forth of Moses' rod, the sea returned in its strength, and utterly overwhelmed them. And such, in its main outline, is the reception which Jehovah must give to all his enemies. His wrath already rests upon them. His fiery look will one day scare them. Even now they are troubled and impeded by it, and by the resistance which he opposes to their plans. Finally, he will overwhelm them in the sea of his wrath. He will visit them with "everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power" (1 Thessalonians 1:9). Hence - III. THEIR COMPLETE DESTRUCTION (vers. 27, 28). They perished suddenly, miserably, and all together. Type of the overthrow of God's enemies in the end (2 Thessalonians 2:8; Revelation 16:16, 17; Revelation 19:17-21; Revelation 20:9). The blow was a crushing one to Egypt, It filled up the measure of her punishment for the evil she had done to Israel. After the death of the first-born, there could remain nothing to Pharaoh and his servants, in the event of their still hardening themselves, but "a certain fearful looking for of judgment, and fiery indignation" (Hebrews 10:27). Does some one say, what a waste of human life - how unlike a God of mercy! Rather, surely, how striking a testimony to the reality of retribution - how sure a token of the righteous doom which in the end will infallibly overtake every obdurate transgressor! God will not permit sinners always to defy him. His wrath and power are resistless. The "ungodly and sinner" must expect to feel the weight of them (1 Peter 17, 18). IV. RESULT (vers. 30, 31). 1. Israel was saved. 2. The Egyptian dead were found strewn upon the shore. This - (1) A memorial of God's vengeance. (2) An awful satire on so-called human greatness. (3) A pledge of security to Israel. 3. The people were filled with gratitude and fear. They "believed the Lord." The wonder is that after so marvellous a deliverance they could ever again doubt him. - J.O.
. I. THE DEED OF VALOUR. Moses walking down the gravelly beach into the sea; Israel following. A lesson to us to come with boldness.II. THE MIRACULOUS WAY. We walk in new and unseen ways. III. THE OVERTHROW OF THE ENEMY. 1. His wrath. 2. His foolhardiness; forgetting the plagues. All sin is irrational. 3. His sudden destruction. Death surprises the impenitent. IV. THE SAME INSTRUMENTS BOTH DEFENDING AND DESTROYING. 1. The cloud. 2. The water. 3. The gospel. V. WHAT ISRAEL FOUND IN THE SEA-PATH. 1. Rebuke for the murmuring. 2. Filial fear. 3. Trust in God. 4. Trust in Moses. 5. Nationality; before, they were all slaves, then free men, now a nation.Learn: 1. All people must struggle and dare. 2. Our characters come from soul-struggles where self is abandoned, and trust is put in God. 3. Man's extremity is God's opportunity. 4. God will, out of every temptation, make a way of escape. (Dr. Fowler.) Great Thoughts. "An easy conquest!" said the eagle, attracted by the glittering scales of a large fish, which shone through the clear, deep waters of the lake. "An easy conquest!" As he dashed into the water, it was as if lightning had smitten the cliff and a fragment of it had fallen into the lake. There was a struggle; the fish dived, and drew the eagle with it. "Ah!" exclaimed the drowning king of birds, "had I been in the air, who would have dared to measure strength with me? But in this strange and treacherous element, I am overcome by one whom elsewhere I should have despised."(Great Thoughts.) (H. C. Trumbull.) Overthrew the Egyptians Consider this destruction of Pharaoh and his host as —I. A JUDGMENT. It was — 1. Sudden in its execution. No warning given. 2. Terrible in its nature. Involving the destruction of a whole army, the picked men of the most powerful nation in the world. 3. Well merited by the subjects of it. Repeated warnings were conveyed in the plagues, yet all were now disregarded. II. A DELIVERANCE. Israel delivered from Pharaoh — 1. Out of a perilous situation. 2. Notwithstanding their want of faith. 3. By a glorious miracle. III. A LESSON to — 1. The sinner. Beware lest your end be like Pharaoh's; heed the warnings given to you. 2. The Christian. Learn to know the greatness of your deliverance from the host of Satan. (H. Barnard, B. A.) A place that is the safest in the world for one man may be the most dangerous in the world for the next man. The portcullis which comes down to shut in the endangered refugee, may crush to death his close pursuer. Because another man actually saves his life and acquires new strength by exposing himself in some sea of battle, or pestilence, or perils of search for a lost one, it is no reason why you should venture in that same line. II God told him to go there, the very waves of danger were a shield to him; but if you have no call there, those waves may overwhelm you. His risks in business prove his safety, because he made them in faith, when God commanded them. They would be your ruin if you presumed on them without a command from God, The question for you is not, Is that other man safe in that sea? but, Do I belong there? The call of God settles the question of your place of duty and your place of safety. God gives the walls of protection to His children when they are where He tells them to be. God throws down those very walls on those who have no business to be there.(H. C. Trumbull. .) People Egyptians, Israelites, Moses, Pharaoh, ZephonPlaces Baal-zephon, Egypt, Etham, Migdol, Pi-hahiroth, Red SeaTopics Armies, Army, Camp, Cloud, Confused, Confusion, Discomfited, Egyptian, Egyptians, Embarrassed, Fire, Forth, Host, Morning, Morning-watch, Pass, Pillar, Threw, Trouble, Troubled, Troubleth, WatchOutline 1. God instructs the Israelites in their journey5. Pharaoh pursues after them 10. The Israelites murmur 13. Moses comforts them 15. God instructs Moses 19. The cloud removes behind the camp 21. The Israelites pass through the Red sea, which drowns the Egyptians Dictionary of Bible Themes Exodus 14:24Library A Path in the Sea'And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: 20. And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. 21. And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Entangled in the Land Epistle Lxiii. To Brunichild, Queen of the Franks. They who have not Been Promoted to that Office. ... The Personality of Power. The Faults Committed in this Degree --Distractions, Temptations --The Course to be Pursued Respecting Them. Answer to Mr. W's Sixth Objection. The Hardening in the Sacred Scripture. Blessed are they that Mourn Epistle iv. To Cyriacus, Bishop. The Sovereignty of God in Reprobation Of the Necessity of Divine Influences to Produce Regeneration in the Soul. Exodus Links Exodus 14:24 NIVExodus 14:24 NLT Exodus 14:24 ESV Exodus 14:24 NASB Exodus 14:24 KJV Exodus 14:24 Bible Apps Exodus 14:24 Parallel Exodus 14:24 Biblia Paralela Exodus 14:24 Chinese Bible Exodus 14:24 French Bible Exodus 14:24 German Bible Exodus 14:24 Commentaries Bible Hub |